Social change begins with two

Book in English - Printed book (Product Condition : New)

Social Change Begins with Two is a collection of published and unpublished essays and conference lectures prepared by Jean-Marie Robine over the last ten years. Its release is a unique opportunity to taken on a tour of his tought over the decade and its developments in areas ranging from philosophical issues to social concerns, clinical insights to political perspectives, without ever losing focus of Gestalt therapy, the thread unifying the collection. Following the author in his line of thoughts, readers can learn how Jean-Marie has explored some of the topics most dear to him, in which his insights have become key contributions over the last ten years to debate in the international Gestalt community. Robine is one of the most prominent theorists on the contemporary Gestalt therapy scene. For years he has developed a discourse that is firmly rooted in the epistemology of the paradigm, bringing forth new, stimulating figures that are a creative inspiration for his students and readers.

(From the Preface by Gianni Francesetti)

Jean-Marie Robine is a clinical psychologist since 1967, Gestalt-therapist and trainer, Founder and past director of Institut Français de Gestalt-thérapie (1980-2007), co-founder and past-president of European Association for Gestalt Therapy, full member of New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy. Jean-Marie was a student of Isadore From, who was among the founders of Gestalt Therapy. International trainer, author of many articles and 7 books about Gestalt Therapy. His previous book " On the Occasion of an Other " has been translated into 7 languages.


Publisher Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy
Pages 249
Size 17 × 24 × 1.5 cm
Weight 440 g
ISBN 978-88-989-1201-8

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